Shanghai Port remains world's busiest with record throughput in 2023

Views: | Time:2024-06-04 00:49:54

(ECNS) -- Shanghai Port remained the world's busiest container port for the 14th consecutive year in 2023, totaling 49.158 million TEUs, according to a press conference in Shanghai on Thursday.

Shanghai is accelerating its role as international economic, financial, trade, shipping and scientific innovation centers to achieve a high-quality development, said Gong Zheng, its mayor.

Last year, Shanghai's GDP reached 4.72 trillion yuan ($653.1 million), ranking the forefront of cities in the world, according to Gong.

Its financial market recorded a transaction value of more than 3,300 trillion yuan in 2023.

Shanghai, has attracted 1,771 licensed financial institutions, of which 548 were foreign-owned. 

The total international trade volume of goods at Shanghai ports hit 10.7 trillion yuan, accounting for 3.6 percent of the global total and maintaining first place among all cities.

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